These days, five years ago, I ventured on my first trip to Japan. Looking back, it was one of the best travels I did so far and I am looking forward to plan my next trip to Japan at the end of the year.

During five weeks in Summer between high school and university I worked and traveled across the country I grew very interested in visiting.

In the first three weeks I supported the teachers educating students at the summer school of the German International School of Kobe. On the weekends I liked to explore nearby cities, like Kyoto, Osaka, and Hiroshima. My visit to Shirakawa-go was one of my highlights of the journey.

After this appointment I moved to Tokyo where I made a friend from the U.S. who I still see once in a while. Aside from the metropolis itself I explored places like Nikko and Matsushima.

Since then, I visited Japan two more times and fixed the time for my fourth visit.

If you are interested in my daily discoveries please check out my posts of the time in the archive (in German).

5 Years Japan ✈🇯🇵
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