Im März und April habe ich zwei Wochen in Japan verbracht. Während meiner dritten Reise habe ich mir nicht nur bekannte Orte wie Tokyo, sondern auch ganz neue Gebiete wie Okinawa angesehen.
Japanreise 2016

Im März und April habe ich zwei Wochen in Japan verbracht. Während meiner dritten Reise habe ich mir nicht nur bekannte Orte wie Tokyo, sondern auch ganz neue Gebiete wie Okinawa angesehen.
Before leaving Okinawa I decided to make a business related trip to OIST. More specifically, I visited the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology to get to know their graduate program.
The second day in Okinawa included a tour around the island showcasing the uniqueness in culture, tradition and food.
After four days in the capital it is time to move on to a different part of Japan. The next destination is the southern tropical islands of Okinawa. Specifically, I will spend the next three days at the main island of Okinawa.
In two months from now I am heading to Japan again. In this article series I will describe the whole trip as I have planned it. Once over there, I will keep updating the blog with my experiences daily, like I did in previous years. This is the second chapter about the southern islands of Okinawa.