Good news, everyone! This blog is about to become very active again.

As you might remember from earlier posts I am currently majoring in chemistry at ETH Zürich. My master’s thesis is about to come up and I have decided to carry it out abroad. My choice eventually fell on the US, in particular, Stanford University. So, I will live in sunny California from September on for half a year!

San Francisco Sunrise - HDR

Before beginning my thesis at the university I will spend five days in San Francisco. I wanted to visit this city for quite some time, and I prefer to get used to the new environment first before starting to work. While I cannot promise it, I will try to keep this blog updated with my travel logs and discoveries on a regular basis. I have not lived abroad for such a long time period, so I am quite excited about it. I am looking forward to an entirely new and enriching experience.

Starting on September 1st I will move to Palo Alto, in midst of the Silicon Valley where Stanford University is located. Luckily I managed to secure a long time accommodation from where I can commute to the campus daily.

Stanford University, Palo Alto, California

To conclude, I will do my best to keep my fellow readers updated with my experiences and impressions of living in the US and working at an American university. My flight goes on August 27 – please come back by then.

Off to the USA

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