Photograph Frozen Time by Marius Lutz on 500px
Last SaturdayA while ago (21st Sept) I organized and participated in the Worldwide Meetup. For those, who have never heard about this, it was a global event in which photographers of several cities around the globe gathered to take pictures of their home and work place together.
It has been the first to happen in Zurich, so I was quite excited to meet the other photographers from the area and getting to know them all.

We chose to meet up at the central station, so I waited there, holding up my handwritten meetup logo in the air (you can see it below). Soon after, one photographer joined, then another, and so on so we ended up being six people in the end.
Photograph focus by Sylvie Fee Matter on 500px

Together we walked from the station over the Bahnhofsbrücke to Central. From there we went into Niederdorf. Walking through the shallow streets we took several pictures.
Photograph Curiosity by Marius Lutz on 500px

On the line of the town hall we crossed the river Limmat and walked on until we ended up at the Lake Zurich. On the way two photographers had to left, so we ended up making a group pictures of four people (which I can’t show you, unfortunately).

It was a great and unique experience which I’d like to do again. I’m looking forward to the next meetup.

Here you can find the online portfolios of all participants:
Marco, Max, Mirco, Sylvie, Wael and me (Marius).

Many more pictures can be found at

You can find a comprehensive guide about how to choose the right camera for you on this link.

500px Worldwide Meetup
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