Since I hardly find time between travelling around and sleeping, I have to keep the following entries short.

Today I started my day at the Tokyo University or Toudai, one of the most renowned universities of Japan. Since I just went on a wimp I was very surprised by the many students in formal wear. From the big sign labeled Sotsugyoushiki at the entrance I understood the occasion. Since the school year ends in April it was the time of graduation. Apart from looking around the campus I took the opportunity to look into the Chemistry building.





From there I went to the infamous Yasukuni shrine. Apparently the beginning of spring is deferred from the date the Sakura trees bloom on the premises.



Leaving the grounds again I followed one of the rivers until I hopped on the subway to Shinjuku. There I did some purchases for clothing from Uniqlo and also for a limited KitKat edition.


After depositing all the shopping bags I left for Akihabara, just one station apart from my flat. To those who are not familiar with the name can look up it’s meaning in this article. This time I was accompanied by a friend from Tokyo who shares some of my interests. First we ate delicious Tonkatsu, then we strolled through various shops.





In the evening I met Reto again and also got to know Haruka and Thomas, two acquaintances of us. While Thomas is a Swiss friend of Reto, Haruka is from Tokyo and is studying German language at university. We had a great and multilingual evening with an Izakaya visit followed by a bowling session.

2016-03-25 17.27.55

2016-03-25 18.03.27

2016-03-25 18.39.50

2016-03-25 21.39.49

J16 #03: Todai, Yasukuni, Akiba and Shibuya
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